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Personal Medical Records

Effective February 1, 2024, the Cumberland County Department of Public Health will begin participating in the NC state-designated Health Information Exchange (HIE) program, also known as the NC HealthConnex. The HIE network is being used statewide by Public Health, Hospitals, Urgent Cares, Clinics, and Private Providers. NC HealthConnex is a secure and electronic system that links your key medical information from your health care providers to create a more complete electronic health record and to promote continuity of care. It is designed to help health care providers quickly access patient information needed to make more informed decisions about your healthcare, especially in case of emergency. Learn more about NC HealthConnex.

Please note: You have the right to opt-out of having your information shared between providers through NC HealthConnex. If you choose to opt-out, please complete the “Opt-Out” form accessible via the NC HIEA website: https://hiea.nc.gov/patients/your-choices.

The Opt-Out form must be completed and mailed to:

NC Health Information Exchange Authority

Mail Service Center

4101 Raleigh, NC 27699-4101


  • Opting out of NC HealthConnex will not adversely affect your treatment by your physician, and you cannot be discriminated against if you to decide to opt out.
  • If you change your mind about participating in NC HealthConnex, you can opt back in at any time by completing a new form.

The Medical Records Division is responsible for the retention of all patient records.

To review the Cumberland County Department of Public Health Notice of Privacy Practices (English) and Notice of Privacy Practices (Spanish) 


  • $0.50 per page for 1-100 pages
  • $0.25 per page for pages over 101

To obtain a copy of medical records 

Requesting Medical Records

Patients requesting a copy of their medical records can either appear in person, or contact the medical records department at (910) 433-3857 for detailed instructions on how to obtain a copy of your protected health information:

  • Our Medical and Vital Records Support Division is located on the First Floor in Suite 1700.
  • It is required by the department that you provide a current Picture ID prior to receiving or viewing medical records.  If you do not have a picture Id, you must be able to answer security questions, prior to receiving or reviewing any Protected Health Information (PHI).
  • Anyone requesting medical records is required to complete an Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information - English or Spanish.
Pay a fee. The amount is based on the number of pages copied. (See Fees above)
  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-433-3857
    Department of Public Health:

    1235 Ramsey Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    DPH Accreditation Seal 2023-2027 150  
    Fax: 910-433-3895
    TTY Phone: 910-223-9386
    Compliance Officer: Monica L. Short-Owens

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-433-3857
    Fax: 910-433-3895
    TTY Phone: 910-223-9386
    Compliance Officer: Monica L. Short-Owens
    Department of Public Health:

    1235 Ramsey Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    DPH Accreditation Seal 2023-2027 150