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Public Encouraged to Take Homelessness Plan Survey

Apr 01, 2021

Members of the public are invited to take an online survey to help Cumberland County develop its Three-Year Homelessness Strategic Plan. The Cumberland County Community Survey on Homelessness is available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCHomelessness. The survey is open through April 16.

The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners identified homelessness as one of their seven top priorities for Fiscal Year 2022. At their Jan. 19 regular meeting, commissioners approved issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for homeless consulting services to develop the Three-Year Homelessness Strategic Plan.

Members of the community are encouraged to take the survey. Your perspectives will provide insights on the priorities of the community and the expectations for decision making, resource allocation, and leadership accountability. Complete the survey to help identify areas of need, determine satisfaction with current programs and provide a vision for action to address and end the homelessness in our community.

Cumberland County Community Development is working in collaboration with the Fayetteville/Cumberland County Continuum of Care to develop the Homelessness Strategic Plan. OrgCode Consulting Inc., which was awarded the RFP for homeless consulting services, created the survey.

Community Development is a department of Cumberland County Government that administers entitlement funding received through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. For more information, go to co.cumberland.nc.us/communitydevelopment or call 910-323-6112.