FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners received a presentation on the “Soldiers to Agriculture” program from the N.C. Cooperative Extension Director, Lisa Childers during their regular meeting at 6:45 p.m. on September 19, in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse.
During the presentation Childers outlined the evolution of the program between Fort Bragg and Cumberland County and initial success seen so far.
The ‘Soldiers to Ag’ program is open to all transitioning military members within 180 days of separation, veterans and dependents. It is a five-week course that teaches you not only the agricultural aspect of being a farmer, but the importance of understanding the business side of being a farmer.
The first class completed the program on September 1 and seven soldiers graduated from the program. A new session will be held from January 17-February 17, 2023.
The only additional item of business discussed was the North Carolina Civil War and Reconstruction History Center Project Funding. Previously, at the September 8, 2022 Agenda Session, the Board of Commissioners considered a request from the North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction Center Foundation for a commitment of $7.5 million previously designated for this project through a resolution. That original resolution of support expired on December 31, 2020.
The following motion passed 5-1 at the Agenda Session:
“Approval of $7.5 million contingent upon the City of Fayetteville funding and county legal having the document it needs.”
Specifically, questions arose regarding the state’s commitment to operate the museum and documentation of grant funding from the state. In the meeting agenda posted online are the following documents submitted by the Foundation:
- Resolution formally requesting funding of $7.5 million.
- Resolution stating the Foundation’s intent to gift the History Center to the state upon completion.
- Letter from the Director of the Division of State History Museums, confirming the History Center will become a State Museum, replacing the current Museum of the Cape Fear which is currently a part of the Division of State Museums.
- An excerpt of the state budget showing the allocation of $59.6 million towards construction of the History Center.
- Copy of the contract with the State Office of Budget and Management indicating the allowable use of the funding.
These documents have been reviewed by County Attorney and satisfy G.S. 153A-437. If the Board should
move forward with the $7.5M appropriation, G.S. 153A-437 requires the Board of Commissioners adopt an
ordinance specifically stating what the appropriation is to be used for and requiring the recipient to account for the appropriation at the close of the fiscal year.
The Board of Commissioners approved with a vote of 5-2 to commit $7.5 million towards construction based upon the additional documentation listed above.
Public Hearings included:
- Street Naming - Case SN0492 – Approved unanimously.
- Due to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) I-295 project, access to seven parcels in a particular area near I-295 were severed. NCDOT created a new road for the property owners to access their properties off Harvest Court. This new road must be assigned a name. Staff contacted parcel owners that abutted the newly constructed road. The property owners were provided an opportunity to suggest their own name or pick from a County-approved list. Fire Wood Ln. received the most votes from the owners.
- Public Hearing for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant – Approved unanimously.
The Sheriff's Office is fortunate to again be eligible to apply for funding from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) through the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ). The grant continues the USDOJ efforts to support local law enforcement at the local level.
The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office and the City of Fayetteville Police Department must submit a joint application, but each agency may use the funds for their own priorities. The grant allocation is $213,720, with $106,860 for the Sheriff's Office and $106,860 for the City of Fayetteville Police Department.
The USDOJ requires the public be offered an opportunity to comment. The Sheriff's Office is advertising the grant opportunity weekly on all social media channels and by posting notices at the Courthouse and Law Enforcement Center until the Public Hearing is held. We request the Public Hearing be held at the Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday, September 19, 2022.
A Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Fayetteville, which is required, has been prepared. The Program Narrative attached to the full agenda describes the intended use of the grant funds. In addition, the "Certifications by the Chief Executive of the Application Government" form is attached to the full agenda, which must be signed by the Chair of the Board of Commissioners.
- Community Development Program Year 2021 Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) – Approved unanimously.
- The draft Program Year (PY) 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) prepared by Community Development and is attached to the full agenda online.
This document is available for public review and comment during the period September 2, 2021 – September 19, 2021. Copies have also been distributed to other locations throughout the County (See attached Public Notice). The final CAPER will be available in the County Commissioners office and at the Community Development office for viewing.
The PY2020 CAPER details program accomplishments and an assessment of our efforts in meeting the goals and objectives set forth in our Annual Action Plan for the period July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
Performance reporting meets three basic purposes:
1) It provides the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with necessary information for the Department to meet its statutory requirements to assess each grantee’s ability to carry out relevant community development programs in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
2) It provides information necessary for HUD’s Annual Report to Congress, also statutorily mandated.
3) It provides grantees an opportunity to describe to citizens their successes in revitalizing deteriorated communities and meeting objectives outlined in the Consolidated Plan. This reporting tool assures that citizens, community groups, and other interest stakeholders in the community planning process are accurately informed of the use of these federal funds.
There were two rezoning cases:
- Case ZON-22-0043 – Removed and moved to October 17 meeting agenda.
- Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to RR Rural Residential/CZ Conditional Zoning District or to a more restrictive zoning district for 106.75 +/- acres; located east of Hummingbird Place and west of Maxwell Road; submitted by George Rose (applicant) on behalf of Astrakel International LTD (owner).
- Zoning Ordinance Update for Signs and Enforcement (Case ZON-22-0034) – Approved 6-1 vote.
- Text Amendment to the Cumberland County Zoning Ordinance, Article 13 and a series of related Sections to update and revise sign regulations, standards, and definitions and to establish a new Article 18, Enforcement, pertaining to violations of the Zoning Ordinance; submitted by Cumberland County Planning & Inspections Dept. (applicant).
The Board of Commissioners approved the Consent Agenda at this meeting:
- Approval of Proclamation for Manufacturing Day in Cumberland County
- Approval of Contract Amendment for Aerial Mosquito Spray with Allen Aviation, Inc.
- Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the September 19, 2022 Board of Commissioners' Agenda
- Approval of Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session Items
- Update to Cumberland County Joint Planning Board Bylaws
- Intent to Lease Real Property at 5746 Kennel Road for a Solid Waste Container Site
- Intent to Lease Real Property at 245 Person Street to the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Inc.
- Amendment to the Cumberland County Personnel Ordinance Article 7, Section 702, Part B
There was no closed session concerning:
Please visit cumberlandcountync.gov/departments/commissioners-group/commissioners/meetings/agendas-minutes-and-videos for the meeting notes concerning this meeting and other Board of Commissioners’ meetings.
To watch the meeting and listen to the entire discussion between meeting participants of the Board of Commissioners’ Agenda Session, please visit YouTube.com/CumberlandCountyNC and for more information about Cumberland County government, visit cumberlandcountync.gov. You can also follow the county on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.