FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Aug. 6, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.
Tye Vaught, Chief of Staff, introduced the 2024 Annual Recovery Plan Report. Annual Recovery Plans are required for recipients of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). Cumberland County's 2024 Annual Recovery Plan includes project and expenditure data through June 30, 2024. Ignite internship participants assisted in creating the published report and presented the information to the commissioners. .
The Board voted unanimously to move the following items to the Aug. 19, 2024, Regular Meeting to be approved as part of the CONSENT AGENDA:
- License Agreement for Operation of Café at West Regional Library: Faith Phillips, Library Director, presented. To fulfill the Board of County Commissioners' goal to enhance programs to provide jobs and workforce development opportunities for youth and adults with special needs and to provide enhanced offerings and opportunities to the community at the West Regional Library branch, Miller’s Crew Inc., a local North Carolina nonprofit corporation, has agreed to open a coffee shop location at the West Regional Library branch. As a nonprofit corporation, Miller’s Crew is committed to outcome-driven approaches to provide employment, training and connections for youth and adults with special needs, along with their families, caregivers and community members. Miller’s Crew currently has one location on Morganton Road in Fayetteville and is an experienced food service vendor that is seeking to expand employment and job opportunities for those in our community with special needs. West Regional Library was built with a café space that has never been used. The approval of this contract would grant Miller’s Crew Inc. a license agreement to use the space as a coffee shop that would be staffed with employees with special needs. This agreement would not only provide coffee and snacks to library patrons but would provide a benefit to the community through the expanded employment and job training opportunities for those in our community with special needs.
The Board received updates on the following items under OTHER ITEMS:
- Boards and Committees - Oath of Office and Recognition: Commissioner Jones presented a recommendation that new members of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and other Cumberland County Boards and Committees attend a Board of Commissioners' Meeting to take an Oath of Office, receive a Certificate of Service Appreciation, and a Cumberland County pin. The motion was not seconded.
Commissioners received the following MONTHLY REPORTS in their agenda packet:
- Financial Report
- ARPA Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report as of June 30, 2024
- Health Insurance Update
- Wellpath, LLC Quarterly Statistical Report on Inmate Health Care
- County Competitive Grants Update
- Project Updates
The Board approved a state of emergency for Tropical Storm Debby beginning Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024 until Saturday Aug. 10, 2024. Emergency Services Director Gene Booth updated the Board on the storm along with plans for serving the community throughout the storm and subsequent clean-up.
The Board adjourned the meeting at 2:20 p.m.
Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.
You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.